Ok, so, I'm changing the intent of this blog I think. Though, since I have no followers, it doesn't really matter, right? Right. I will still pick random shows from my generator, but not everyday. I'm just gonna post whatever the hell I want everyday as long it's about Musical Theatre of course.
Today's Fact!
Whistling in a Theater is considered very bad luck. This started because "back in the day" before sets were automated, everything was done by hand with ropes. Most of the stagehands were former sailors due to their ability with ropes and knots. As walkie-talkies or headsets weren't used as they are now, like they did working the ships, the stagehands would have a sort-of "whistle language" to communicate set changes and cues and such. So if you were to whistle in the Theater, you might confuse the stagehands and ruin the show! True story.
Until Tomorrow, Y'all!
Just came across your posts and really enjoyed them. Great shame you stopped - you deserved a lot of followers!